The Confusion of “Deep tissue” vs firm pressure

Contrary to popular belief, deep tissue doesn’t have to hurt in order to be effective. But if the therapist is doing a true “deep tissue” it will hurt and it won’t be a fluff spa treatment either.

Spas all across the country will have a “deep tissue” option on their menu. From what I have witnessed, lots of massage therapists give people a firm Swedish massage and pass that off as “deep tissue massage”.

That’s not even really what it is.

Deep Tissue massage actually falls into the realm of “structural integration” that aims at making lasting physiological changes in the person’s body through physical awareness, body education, and touch therapy. It accesses the deeper layers of soft tissue as well as release tension built up in tendons and ligaments which is slow, intense work. This is particularly helpful for people dealing with chronic pain, which is pretty much any functioning adult in the world.

Because this work is so profound, it’s best not to go to just anyone who claims they do “deep tissue”. Anyone can say they do that and all they are doing is digging their elbow into every part of your body. A skilled therapist who has honed their craft will understand that listening to the client’s body is a must to know their limits. Pushing beyond their limits can cause much damage.


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