Looking for a massage Therapist? Know What Questions To Ask
I’ve seen this in Facebook groups so many times…
“Does anyone know of a good massage therapist in town?”
“Who’s the best massage therapist in Palm Springs?”
“I’m looking for a massage therapist. Who do you recommend?”
Of course, all the answers come flooding in with references for basically every massage therapist in the area. What would you expect when you ask such a broad question? It’s like asking, “What’s the best fish to eat?” and you get 5-7 different answers.
Say you are the person who asked for a massage therapist. You can go through all the referrals, look at everyone’s website (if they have one or ask for theirs; if not, I wouldn’t even bother), call each one, or pick the top 3 that look good and try them out but that sounds like a lot of work already. What should you do?
Ask the right questions.
Examples are:
I’m looking for a massage therapist who is experienced with working on people with fibromyalgia. Does anyone know someone like that?
Hey I’m new to town and looking for a massage therapist. I was in a car accident 10 years ago and deal with chronic nerve issues in my neck. Do you know anyone who specalizes in neck pain and nerve issues?
I just had a hip replacement and am looking for a massage therapist who knows how to do post-surgical work. Anyone know one with this kind of experience?
Of course, there is no gaurantee that you are not going to get the right referrals because in general other people think that the one massage therapist that they go to all the time without trying others is the only good one in town. True they may be a good fit for the person but it doesn’t mean they are the best at treating people with whiplash, sciatic issues, TMJ disorder, or Parkinson’s disease.
Asking the question in a Facebook group is a problem in and of itself. People responding are just giving their opinions. It’s fine for leads but it comes down to getting the information straight from the horse’s mouth.
Contact massage therapists directly. Email them. Call them. Ask them questions. Lots of questions. Any question that comes to mind. This is your time and your money. I just want to make sure you are making the best use of both.