Try Other Massage Therapists
That’s right. I said what I said.
I’ve skimmed through Facebook groups and looked at what people say about massage therapists in the area. “So and so is the best! Go see so and so!” The funny thing is that they haven’t branched out to try out other people. Why do you think that is?
I think it’s because they are afraid they are going to be perceived as being a traitor. Honestly, that’s what I think and it’s ridiculous.
First off, if a massage therapist gets a bug up their ass because a client of theirs explores other options then that speaks to their character. People aren’t property to be owned. Secondly, each massage therapist is like a fingerprint with their uniqueness. You are never going to find two massage therapists that work the same way. Lastly, if you can find someone who can do a job just as good as the massage therapist you have been seeing at a cheaper rate, why not? I would. Also, who is to say you cannot change it up and see multiple massage therapists based on what you are looking for?
Personally, I am mature enough to not be offended by people making their own choices. I also don’t have this scarcity mindset, fearful of “losing” clients. This planet has billions of people and the city of Palm Springs gets thousands of visitors all year long. I’ve been fortunate enough to finally build a business that’s showing more consistency and re-bookings which started when I decided to show up and present my authentic self.
I had a client in the past confess that he went and tried other (lower cost) massage therapists but they weren’t as good as me so he came back. He figured out that I was worth what I was charging.
Many other industries are the same way. Do you think Mor furniture stores would be mad at you for shopping for stuff from Ikea? Or Pizza Hut shunning you for choosing Domino’s the following week instead of returning to them?
There is no one-size-fits-all massage therapist. I wouldn’t want to try and be that, it sounds exhausting and that equates to too much people-pleasing. So get out there, allow yourself permission to try out different people and find what best suits your needs.